Can anyone help before baby is too big?!

I began making the Teddy All-in-one by Debbie Bliss for a friend. I am fairly experienced in knitting but I have come to a point in the pattern that I can’t seem to comprehend (could be brain fog or just a duh moment). I am knitting the right mitten and I have come to the point where the pattern states: Change to 3 1/4mm needles. Next Row Cast on 9 sts, k:0,[p1,k1] to last 1st, p1. Next row K1, [p1,k1]8 times turn. Work on this set of sts only.

My confusion is do I knit across and continue from the end of the mitten and CO or do I CO at the beginning of row? I can’t seem to get it and the baby is already 2 weeks old, by the time I finish he will be walking! :aww:
If anyone out there has made this or can deciper what these instructions are telling me to do I would appreciate it!

Are you just making a separate mitten or is the mitten possibly joined to the sleeve? If so are you working shoulder down or mitten up to shoulder?

Next Row Cast on 9 sts, k:0,[p1,k1] to last 1st, p1.
I have to say that doesn’t make any sense to me either. Did you copy it correctly?
Next row K1, [p1,k1]8 times turn.
That row makes better sense. So are you knitting this part flat since it is in rows? I don’t have access to the book and need a better word picture of what you are doing and where you are at.

Next Row Cast on 9 sts, k:0,[p1,k1] to last 1st, p1.

I have to say that doesn’t make any sense to me either. Did you copy it correctly?

It does make sense; you just p1, k1 to the end of the row and end with p1. Though the ‘k0’ was unnecessary.