Cabled Sock Question

Okay, I have another question for this pattern:

Specifically concerning this section:

[B]Cable stitch pattern[/B]
[I]Rnd 1: P 1, (K 3, P 1) 3 times. Rpt to end of rnd.
Rnd 2: As Rnd 1.
Rnd 3: P 1, (Sl 1, K 2, P 1) 3 times. P 1, (K 2, Sl 1, P 1) 3 times. Rpt to end of rnd.
Rnd 4: As Rnd 3.
Rnd 5: P 1, (C3F, P 1) 3 times. P 1, (C3B, P 1) 3 times. Rpt to end of rnd.
Rnd 6: As Rnd 1.[/I]

[I]Work Rnds 1 and 2 only of cable stitch pattern until 14 rows total have been worked. Cont from Rnd 3 of cable stitch pattern until 7 cables have been worked, ending with Rnd 6.[/I]

I have worked Rounds 1-5 of the leg of the sock, but am not sure how to proceed so that “7 cables have been worked.” After Round 5, do I repeat it over and over to get the cables? Or do I go to Round 6, and then start the whole cycle over again at Round 1? (But won’t that interrupt the cabling pattern?) OR is it something else entirely? Lol, I need some help here. :slight_smile:

You repeat the whole pattern again, because all the rounds make up the cabling pattern; cables are done 4 to 8 rnds apart, not on every rnd or even every other round. So after Rnd 5, go to 6, (which is repeat R 1) and then do Rnds 1, 2, 3, 4 and cable again on Rnd 5 when you get to it.

Alright, thanks again!