:?? I have just sat down to read the pattern I am excited to start and don’t know what to do with a cable panel.
The pattern reads as follows:
Row 1 (Right Side): P2, C12F, P2. Row 2: K2, P12, K2.
Row 3: P2, K12, P2. Rows 4-19: Rep Rows 2 and 3.
Row 20: Rep Row 2.
Rep Rows 1-20 for Cable Panel.
BACK: With smaller needles, cast on 77 (85, 93, 103, 111)
sts. Work in ribbing as follows:
Row 1 (Wrong Side): P1, * K1, P1; rep from * across.
Row 2: K1, * P1, K1; rep from * across.
Rep Rows 1 and 2 for ribbing for 4”, inc 1 st at center of
last row, end Row 1 – 78 (86, 94, 104, 112) sts. Change to
larger needles and St st, beg K row, until 11” from beg, end
P row.
Shape Raglans: Bind off 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) sts at beg of next 2
rows. Dec Row 1: K1, ssk, work to last 3 sts; K2tog, K1.
Next Row: Work in pat. Rep last 2 rows 21 (20, 21, 20, 21)
times more – 32 (40, 44, 54, 58) sts.
FOR LAST 4 SIZES ONLY - Dec Row 2: K1, sssk, work
to last 4 sts; K3tog, K1. Next Row: Work in pat. Rep last 2
rows (1, 2, 4, 5) times more – (32, 32, 34, 34) sts.
ALL SIZES: Place rem sts on a holder.
FRONT: Work ribbing same as for EXCEPT inc 5 sts
evenly spaced on last row, end Row 1 – 82 (90, 98, 108,
116) sts. [U]Change to larger needles and place Cable Panel
as follows:
Row 1: K33 (37, 41, 46, 50), pm, P2, K12, P2, pm, K to
Row 2: P to marker, K2, P12, K2, P to end.
Row 3: K to marker, P2, K12, P2, K to end.
Rep last 2 rows 8 (8, 8, 3, 3) times more, then rep Row 2
again. Keeping sts outside of markers in St st, work Cable
Panel, beg with Row 1, inside markers until 11” from beg,
end wrong side row.[/U]
So what I don’t understand is…how do I attach the panel to the side stitches? I know it goes between the pm’s but how do I attach it to the side? Or do I just knit the cable panel in this space, leave the sides to dangel and then seam together when complete? But If I do that then why does it say to k2, p12, k2, p to end ect…?? OY! This is the first time I have worked with something like this and am not an expert at all…any clarification would be wonderful!