What does it mean when doing a cable pattern it says
Until Rows1-12 of Center Cable Pattern have been worked twice, then 1-8 once more ?
Try Hank You
What does it mean when doing a cable pattern it says
Until Rows1-12 of Center Cable Pattern have been worked twice, then 1-8 once more ?
Try Hank You
What pattern are you making?
The instruction means to work rows 1 to 12 of the cable pattern, then to work them again 1 to 12. That’s twice. Then to work from row 1 to 8 again.
I imagine after row 8 there is something different to do but this indicates you have reached the length or number of rows needed.
Does this make sense?
Thank you . I’am making Lion brand cable accent vest
Thank you so much for the info.
That’s a great cable vest. Enjoy your project.
DoI continue in pattern with cable for armhole shaping?
Yes, that’s right.
‘Keeping to patterns as established’ means to continue with the stockinette, and the panel. You will need to take into account the decreased stitches so alter the number of stockinette you work before switching to reverse stockinette. A marker either side of the panel would be helpful for this as you’ll be able to see where to change and keep the cable in line.
Could you remove the pic of pattern instructions please? It’s OK to post a line or two when stuck but not large portions due to copyright. You can click on the little pencil icon to edit your post.
Sounds like you are zooming along with this.
OK thank you
Thanks for removing the pattern photo.
Don’t hesitate if you have more questions.