Cable abbreviation?

I’m designing the cable pattern for a scarf.

It’s a ribbed scarf, 2x2 ribbing, and the cable used goes as follows:

Slip 4 st to cn, hold to front/back, k2, slip the leftmost two stitches from cn onto lhn, p2, k2 from cn.

Does this cable stitch have a common abbreviation?

C4b for holding the st to the back, C4f for holding it to the front.

eta - I missed the purl sts. Maybe C4pb/f? With an explanation.

Does it look like the cable down the front of this sweater?

If so, Barbara Walkers 2nd Treasurey (page 171) calls it a Gordian Knot. You maintaining the center 2 stitches of 6 as purl, the outside 2 on both sides are knit. Those 2 purl stitches kind of look like a knot overtop of the cable crossing of the outside 2/2 stitches. She doesn’t have a common abreviation for it.

There’s the same stitch called a Knotted Cable in Harmony’s Cables & Arans guide (page 215). On the crossing row they call it C6. But there’s no definition of it on the same page, and I can’t find C6 in the Key at the back of the book. I think it’s a mistake but I didn’t see it listed on the book’s errata.