How many times do I do the C2f? For the size I am making it would be one times. Does that mean do 2 C2f or just the one?
[C2f] 0(0:1:1:1)
We need a bit more info! What is the name of your pattern and designer? This helps us to see what your project should look like.
You can quote the part of the pattern that’s giving you trouble, just not the entire pattern due to copyright. Or you can take a photo / screenshot of a few rows.
There should be an abbreviation list somewhere in your pattern to say exactly what the c2f is in your pattern, then do it once if that’s the number for your size.
Row 3
Thank you for the text. The number of repetions of C2F depends on the size you are making. Skip over the C2F if you are making the first or second size. Work a single C2F for the 3rd, 4th or 5th sizes. If you’re making the 3rd, 4th or 5th size there’s only one C2F
C2F is likely a small cable where sts are held to the front and leans left
Telling us the name of the pattern and designer will help with this.
Thank you. That’s what I thought, but I wasn’t sure. I really appreciate the help!