Hi I have been making some dungarees for my neices doll. The straps are in rib and the pattern suggests to use a popper to fasten. However its too fiddly for her. I tried buying some small dungaree buckles but they are flimsy and have fallen off.
Is it possible to make a small buttonhole in the straps - the straps being only 7 stitches accross - and if so how to do that?
Sure you could work a yarn over, k2tog buttonhole. For example, k1,p1,k1, yarn over, k2tog (or ssk), p1,k1. Try it out and see if that works as you would like.
Cute idea to knit the dungarees. Did you make them up or use a pattern?
Of you don’t want to reknit the straps you could do a “no cut afterthought button hole” I’ve used this when I didn’t know where I’d want my buttons and it worked great. There are various methods you can look at, here’s a tutorial with pics
And this is the way I did it
Really it’s just opening a hole by stealing a little yarn from the nearby stitches then sewing it open with a couple of stitches.
Great, have tried this on practise bit and works well so will do it on the ones I am doing now.
Now the search for buttons for one very fashionalbe doll. Have fun finishing these up!
Thanks for that. These are the second ones as she has twin dolls! So if i can prise the other one off I will do this for the pink set!!