Button help!


ooo oooo oooo, ME TOO ME TOO!!!:guyknitting:


I don’t think you can attach more than one image, but you can add it like you would embed a photo. You have to upload it to someplace like Flikr that allows you to share photos from their site. Then click on the img icon (square with mountain) and put in the url for the image.

NOTE- please try to keep your signature to about 200 pixels high. Large signatures cause too much scrolling especially for members with small monitors. The 200 pixels includes photos and text so resize images if necessary. I’ve attached a sample of what 200 pixels looks like. Click it it to expand it to full 200 pixels size.

are you saying that my signature is too big?

then check this out. look at knitpurlgurl’s sig.

   		then check this out. look at knitpurlgurl's sig.


:hmm: No, I did not say that. Please reread my post. There is nothing wrong knitpurlgirl’s sig at this point.

no, i mean it has more than 1 button. ps, i wasnt accusing you of anything. i am a newbie and ust wanted to know.

Okay, and I gave you my answer. Give that a try.

I can help… But you have to have your pictures uploaded to photobucket or any place that allows you to upload images. KH only allows you to upload one image per signature. In order to have more you need to know a bit of coding. But it is easy.

Upload your pictures to wherever you want them hosted. I recommend photobucket since it is a bit more user friendly… I have a flickr account too, but I keep that for only ravelery posts.

ok, so now your picture is uploaded… now I want to put it in my sig.

I will do this…


You just have to copy and paste this code, (read below for WHERE to put it in your sig… this is key), REMOVE the stars. and change the address to the address of your picture… If you did use photobucket, they give you the address in several options. Below your picture in photobucket will be a list. here is an example.

For using the code on message boards, all you need to do is click on the text inside the box, next to IMG Code. The last box in the list. This will copy the code, I just gave you. Then go to your sig to edit, (keep photobucket open in a new window…it’s easier for adding more pictures)

Now you are at your sig so you can edit.

Look up to the top right left of the edit box, and click on the A/A button. Just once. Now paste the code into the post box. It will just look like code. NOW click the A/A button 1 more time. If you did it correctly, the code will change into an image. If you want to add a link to the button, simple highlight it and click the link button.

Just click back on A/A button and paste the 2nd pictures code next to your other…

Make sure to keep your images a good size. Just because we can add a zillion pictures, or even GIANT pictures doesn’t mean we should.

If you have any additional questions feel free to ask.

thanks krystal!