Brunswick Christmas stocking sampler

I am using an old Brunswick pattern. The direction for shaping the heel are unclear to me. I have 36 stitches in a holder for the instep. I decrease the remaining stitches from 36 to 18 and the increased them back to 36. To complete the foot it says to essentially rejoin the stitched from the holder and knit in the round. I end up with open space and no instructions to pick up stitches or close the space. If you’ve worked this pattern please help. Thanks!

Welcome to the forum!
That’s an unusual heel for me. Check under Finishing to see if there are instructions for joining the line of the decreases to the line of increases to close up the heel.
You can see where the heel has been seamed on this Ravelry project.

Thank you for verifying that for me.I did not find the instruction to sew up the seam. I think I will follow instructions from a similar pattern to turn the heel.

That will work. I think the unusual seam at the heel is only because this is a Christmas stocking not meant to be worn. We’d love to see the stocking when you finish!