Broadway Nights pattern by Beth Callahan for Speakeasy Fibers

Hello All:

Help! This is the scarf/shawl I am working on, I have gotten to the “Short Row Section & Finishing” and have no idea of how to proceed. Does anyone know of a video I could view or would be willing to walk me through this? Thank you in advance. Claire

Hi, Claire! :star_struck: Is it the short rows giving you trouble? It looks a lot like the way a sock heel turn is worked. I know you’ve done some amazing knitting so I don’t want to make an assumption about the problem.

Hello friend :grinning: yes, it is the short rows. I seem to be doing okay right now, but initially I found it really confusing. I think there’s a technique that makes the turn neater? Thank you for the compliment :blush:

Are the turns supposed to leave holes as part of the lace pattern? I’m sure salmonmac will have good input and probably someone else too. My brain is fried from working on cables for a test knit I signed up for. I’m not shifting gears well.

I know about German short rows, wrap and turn short rows, etc. At first I thought this was garter stitch but I looked at the pattern again and changed my mind.

eta I meant to say, that’s a beautiful shawl.

It doesn’t look like it. When I return to the turn, I use the last stitch and the following one to bridge the gap, knit or purl three more stitches and then turn. Do you know if the wrap and turn can be used for making holes for lace?

The instruction for adding beads was confusing, so I added them on every decrease stitch. I’ll give this one away and make another for myself. I think I have it figured out where I want to add the beads the next time. This one I used the smaller needles and it will be a scarf, I used the crochet cast on, it was wonderful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s such a lovely shawl. The description makes it sound like a party in itself!
The short row techniques like German short rows, wrap and turn or yarn over short rows all avoid making holes. This pattern uses the decreases over the turns to close up a hole and add shaping to the stockinette section.
If you don’t use any technique to hide the short row turn, you’ll get a hole which could become part of a lace pattern if the turns are regularly spaced. I’ve seen it in a sweater but not in a lace pattern.

It is lovely, I really like it a lot! I was browsing through the projects and this one is amazing: Thanks for the info on short rows.

Wow, gorgeous. I’m looking forward to seeing a photo of your Broadway Nights too.

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It will be frogged when I get back home to my swift and ball winder. I bought new yarn and am using the same pattern for a new one. The yarn is Kathmandu by Queensland, it is a tweedy yarn and will be very different than the “flirty” one depicted in the pattern. The matte finish on the bead seems to work well with this yarn. I learned how to do the German twisted CO for this, what a beautiful cast-on! And I’ve now learned how to tink back successfully with decrease stitches, yay for me! Two extra pattern repeats, I’ve learned so much already with this project. I will post a picture when this one is done.

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Any project that let’s you learn a new technique or two is a plus. German twisted cast on has become a go-to cast on for me, just a bit stretchier than the usual long tail.
Have fun with this very pretty shawl.