Brain Slug Baby Hat

I got this idea from a FO on Ravelry. It is based on a “brain slug”, a character from an episode of Futurama. (the red isn’t part of the hat, it is just the ball of yarn I was using to prop the hat up for the picture) I used leftover Red Heart Soft for the hat. I used leftover Berroco cotton for the eyeball. I wasn’t sure how to make an oval, so I used the same technique I used for this, starting w/8 sts and increasing 1 at each corner. Then at some point I started making increases only at 2 corners to make an oval instead of a circle/square. I used Simply Soft for the pupil, which I croched. For the antenna, I used i-cord with bobbles at the end, which I learned using Amy’s bobble video.

CUTE! :slight_smile:

OMG!!! This could not be more perfect!!!

My good friend from College is due in February, and I am planning out an odd baby blanket involving aliens and skulls… She is a HUGGGE fan of Futurama (has 2 degu’s named Zap & Kiff after the show) this would be perfect for her baby girl. I will just toss on a cute bow to one of the antanae to hopefully prevent people from saying “what a handsome boy!” haha.

Very cool!

Very cute!!

That is awesome. It makes me sad that Adult Swim’s contract to run Futurama is up next month. I love that show.

:thumbsup: Great job!!

I love it!

OMG that’s great!

That is awesome!! My fiancee would love that hat!! Don’t forget Bender’s Big Score is out on DVD now.

What a cute and fun little hat. It will get a lot of smiles when worn.

:inlove: cute!!! :cheering: