bottom up raglan decrease help!!


I’m knitting a sweater bottom up in brioche ribbing and have come to the raglan decrease. I’m very confused what the instructions mean (I’m knitting the smallest size). The RS is knit stitch only and the WS is Sl 1, *K1 below, P1, rep from * to last 2 sts, K1 below, K1.

Here’s where I get confused:

Shape raglan armholes
Keeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
87 [91: 97: 103: 105: 111: 117] sts.
Next row (RS): Sl 1, K1, sl 1, K2tog, psso, K to last 5 sts, K3tog, K2. 83 [87: 93: 99: 101: 107: 113] sts.
Working all decreases as set by last row, dec 2 sts at each end of 6th and 4 [5:5:7:8:8:8] foll 6th rows,then on 1 [1:2:0:0:0:0] foll 4th rows. 59 [59: 61: 67: 65: 71: 77] sts.
Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row.

I have cast off the two stitches at the beginning of the next two rows (RS and WS) and I have 87 stitches. I assume all further decreasing will only happen on the right side with the knit stitches so I can keep the brioche ribbing. I decrease 2 stitches on both ends (at the 6th stitch from the beginning and the 4th from the end) until I have 63 stitches. Then… I decrease by 1 for 4 rows to 59 stitches?? Wouldn’t that make the raglan unsymmetrical?? Is that 4 rows (total 8 with the WS included???) or just for total rows (RS, WS, RS, WS)?? Where does the decrease happen and how?? Soooo confused

Any help would be so appreciated!!


Could you tell us which pattern you are using?

I can’t help with the instructions, but someone else will be able to and will be along soon.

One tactic I use when I am having trouble with decreases is to look closely at the photos of the item. Sometimes, if it’s a high res photo, you can actually see which rows the decreases are happening on.

Unfortunately the photo doesn’t show much other than the second colour has approximately 26 rows (on the model shown, size unknown).


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Lovely design!

I am sure one of the more experienced decrease decipherers will be along soon to help.

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
You’re working the decrease at each end, 2sts from the ends. This gives you a nicer edge. Each decrease is a double decrease throughout.
If you call the next row, the one that sets the decreases, row 1 then the decs are on rows 1, 7,13,19, 25 and 31 and finally on row 35. It’ll take you from 87sts to 59.

I love these brioche or fisherman knits. Enjoy knitting the pattern.

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I think I got this now, please tell me if I’m wrong:

There will be a total of 7 decreases using the method set out by the line that says “Next Row RS”
Initially, each decrease occurs after 6 rows have passed.
Assuming we count the first reduction (83-> 79 sts) as the first decrease, there are 4 more reductions, each occurring after 6 rows has passed (79 -> 75, 75 -> 71, 71 -> 67, 67 -> 63 sts). Now we perform a single reduction after 4 rows have passed (63 -> 59 sts). As we are now facing the WS, we work back in the brioche back to the RS.


OK, just to be sure, you’ll decrease say on row 1 then knit 5 rows and decrease on the next row, row 7. So there are 5 rows without decreases between decrease rows.

It’s a lovely sweater. Please come back with a photo when you finish!

Thanks! Will do!!

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Ok, I finished that part, looks nice! This is the next part (sorry I’ve never read a knitting pattern before)

Dec 2 sts at each end of 3rd [3rd: 3rd: 3rd: 5th: 5th: 5th] and
0 [0:0:0:1:1:0] foll 6th rows,then on 6 [6:6:7:5:6:8] foll 4th rows. 31 [31: 33: 35: 37: 39: 41] sts.

So knit 2 rows, then on the third row decrease two stitches on both ends. (59->55)
Don’t do any decreases after 6 rows (because I’m making the smallest size)
Then work 3 rows, on the fourth decrease by 2 stitches on either end - repeat this 6 times
(55->51) (51->47) (47->43) (43->39) (39->35) (35->31)

Did I read that correctly?

Anytime there is a zero (or an x or a -)for your size, skip that direction entirely. Go directly to the next step.
So decrease at each end of row 3 and then on rows 7,11,15,19,23 and 27.

This is exciting reading a pattern and figuring out what the designer is saying. You’re doing very well. We’re always happy to have questions here.

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Hi hi!

I got the back and most of the front completed. I’m not sure if I’m understanding the pattern correctly for around the neckline to finish the front.

Shape front neck

Next row (RS): Sl 1, (K1, sl 1, K2tog, psso) 1 [1: 1: 1: 0: 0: 0] times, K13 [13: 13: 16: 18: 21: 21] and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. 16 [16: 16: 19: 19: 22: 22] sts.

Work each side of neck separately.

Keeping patt and raglan armhole decreases correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 4 rows, then on foll 3 [3: 3: 3: 3: 4: 4] alt rows, then on 0 [0:0:1:1:1:1] foll 4th row and at same time dec 2 sts at raglan armhole edge of 4th [4th: 4th: 4th: 4th: 2nd: 2nd] and 1 [1: 1: 2: 2: 3: 3] foll 4th rows. 5 sts.

Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row.

I’m doing the smallest size so I am starting with 55 stitches when I get to this point. After decreasing and turning I have 16 stitches on my needles (there rest on a stitch holder)… now I’m stuck because when I read the pattern I find I end up with 6 stitches remaining, not 5??

16 stitches - 1 stitch for 4 rows = 12 stitches

12 stitches - 1 stitches alternating rows for three rows (so I assume that is row with dec, row with no dec, row with dec) = 10 stitches

At the same time on the 4th row after I have 16 stitches, dec by 2 on raglan edge and do this once more after another 4 rows: 10 - 2 - 2 —> 6 stitches….

The only thing I can think of is I am misinterpreting what foll 3 alt rows means. I’m having more difficult trying to decipher this pattern than the actual knitting :woman_facepalming:

Thanks again!!!

Oh wow, looking good!
When you decrease on the following 3 alternate rows that’s 3 sts decreased. Think of it as a decrease every other row for 3 decrease rows. So it’s 16-4-3-2-2 or 5sts.
The decreases at the neck edge (1 stitch each) are on rows 1,2,3,4 then 6,8,10. The decreases at the raglan edge (2sts each) are on rows 4 and 8.

Awesome! Thank you!!!