Okay I have been redirected here so hopefully someone can help a very furstrated, soon to be grandma who cannot finnish beautiful shawl. Pattern - Patons PBN D 5345
The problem lies within the instructions for border on shawl. I have 721 + 8 I have to cast on (729), there are 17 rows in pattern (rep rows 2-17 until all sts worked on shawl)
Row 1 (rs) K7,k2tog turn (this is the prob how do you turn)
Row 2 sL1k, k5 yfwd, k2
Row 3 yfwd, k2tog, k6 k2tog turn (how do you yfwd at the beginning of row.
Every alt row is a turn.
Please if anyone can help I would be very grateful as aging by the minute