Make 2 boots the same
Cast on 44sts
Row 1: ( K1, kfb, k18, kfb, ) twice, k2 48sts
I’ve tried knitting this row 4 times and always end up with 2 extra stitches can any one help?the pattern is baby H’ugg boots
Make 2 boots the same
Cast on 44sts
Row 1: ( K1, kfb, k18, kfb, ) twice, k2 48sts
I’ve tried knitting this row 4 times and always end up with 2 extra stitches can any one help?the pattern is baby H’ugg boots
The numbers add up okay in the row so could you be accidentally casting too many perhaps?
Have you tried using a couplemof markers or yarn loops?
Perhaps if you cast on 44 then place a marker at 21 stitches and another at 42, there should be 2 stitches after the second marker.
When you work the pattern in brackets it uses up 21 stitches and produces 23 so when you work up to the first marker you should have used up all 21 and check what has gone onto your right needle, should be 23.
Then slip the marker across and work again up to the next marker and check the count again.
Then work the last 2 stitches.
It may help to find where the extra 2 stitches are coming from.
Thankyou sooooo much markers definitely helped obviously miss counted several times,to be left with 4 stitches each time
Oh, that’s fabulous. Really great to hear you’ve got past this bit.
We all miss count at times.