
I am having trouble when I get to a row that contains a Bobble. I feel I am following the directions Correctly but have done it 3 times over 224 stitches and the count always comes out wrong and The Bobble looks like it’s in the wrong place. The pattern is Athena by Fiber Dreams. It is a small bobble over 5 sts. It is p1 k1 twice, k1. Turn. P5, turn. Slip 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th sts one at a time over 1st st on L needle, k1 tbl. My stitch count is correct when I start the row.
Row is a repeat of
K1, (K3 K2tog, YO, k1, bobble, k1, YO, ask, k1) across, end k3.
I’m stuck! Can you help?

Are you knitting the (p1,k1) twice , k1 into a single stitch? That increases by 4sts. After the purl row you’ll slip sts on the left needle over the first stitch decreasing 4 sts.

In the repeat then the bobble comes after the YO, k1:
K1, [K3 K2tog, YO, k1, (p1 k1) twice, k1, k1, YO, ssk, k1] across, end k3.
Once you’ve made the increases and the k1 of the beginning of the bobble, turn and work the P5 then turn again and work the slip 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th sts over the first. Once that’s done you continue with the row directions.

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Thanks so much for your help. I was not knitting into one st. Thanks so much.

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