A birthday sweater for a dear 7 year old grandson
Blocking Benjamin
That looks great!
Very nice knitting! BTW: your new avatar is spectacular!
aaaaawwwwwwww! Thank you!
Very nice birthday present. I really like the color.
What a lucky boy! Do let us know his reaction…
Will do! Party is this afternoon! I’ll bring my camera!
a happy Ben in his new sweater! Fits him PERFECTLY!
and I’m a happy mamaw!
Great job!! It looks perfect on him! Love the color too!
He is a cutey, wow!
Sweater looks great on him, also, good work!
Thank you! we think he’s a keeper, too! :roflhard:
Beautiful Sweater Moni! He looks so happy in it too
He’s so cute! And great work on the sweater…I LOVE that color.