Blanket help!

I’m trying to make this blanket - since it says beginner, I thought it’d be easy enough but I’m having some problems! Once I get to row 18 is when things go weird. I always end up with extra stitches. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong when I switch from purling to knitting and vice versa? or I’m picking them up wrong? I would greatly appreciate any help, before I go crazy :slight_smile:

How many extra stitiches do you have at row 18?

BTW that is a very nice blanket.

I’ve gotten to row 18 twice and unraveled both times - I believe I had 10 or 11 extra stitches both times.

Isn’t it pretty?! I really want to be able to make it!

When you change from knitting to purling (and vice versa) be sure to bring the yarn [I]between[/I] the needles. You may be bringing the yarn over the needle when you change stitch pattern. That can create a yarn over which looks like an extra st on the needle and since you change pattern about 11 times that would account for your extra sts. Here’s a video for ribbing but it shows you what between the needles looks like when you switch from one st to the other…

I watched the video, that is exactly what I was doing wrong. Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile: