Black boxes indicate no stitch for lace chart?

Hello! This is my first predominantly lace project and I am wondering if you all can help me understand the chart.

The pattern is the Hearthstone Blanket by Jhonne Jones. The chart has certain areas where it has black boxes which indicate no stitch. However, when I reach row 8, I don’t understand how there is suddenly no stitch in that beginning spot? Do I start my round one stitch to the left for round 8? It seems like the knitted stitch from the row below is indeed still there so I’m just not sure how to proceed. I’ve uploaded a screenshot of the chart.

Thanks in advance!

What a fantastic project to take on

The repeat right across your round is actually just the grey part in the centre of the chart, that’s why it is a different colour and with the darker lines denoting the start and finish points. The rest of the chart is like a bonus extra which shows you how the motifs align and gives a clearer idea of how the knitting will look.
On its own the grey panel can look a bit odd with those stitches on the right (stitch 1 but you might call it stitch 9) sitting here seemingly disconnected to any motif because the motif is completed by working the stitches on the left of the grey chart, sts 5, 6, 7, 8.

On the first row with the black box there is an extra stitch at the end of that row, that is the stitch you are going to work, it’s the Sam as stitch 1 in the grey section.

I hope this helps

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There’s also a note at the beginning of the pattern in regard to the shift of marker on Row 8.
“Row 8: Knit 1 and shift marker 1 stitch to the left to accommodate the decreases”

It’s a spectacular dive into lace knitting. Have fun with it. Use lifelines and markers to help out!


Oh goodness, the note for row 8 is exactly what I was missing! I had seen the note right before that one, but somehow my brain didn’t KEEP reading… :laughing: I blame it on postpartum brain, I’m home with my 5-week old!

Do you have a recommendation for a tutorial on lifelines? When in the pattern are they most useful? I’ve never used them before.


5 weeks!! Wow! Congratulations Mama!

Here’s a life line video. I would aim for one of the plain knit rows, 2, 4, 6, 11. Not all of those.

I like to use embroidery thread it’s finer and silkier than the yarns I usually use, anything the same weight will stretch the stitches a bit so finer is good.

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Congratulations momma. You are Supermama if you knitt with newborn. :clap::flushed::blush::smiley::smiley::smiley:

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It is indeed impressive to be able to read with an infant much less knit lace. I functioned in zombie mode for months!


Aw, thank you all! There was no knitting at all the first few weeks, but lately he only wants to nap in a baby wrap carrier while bouncing on an exercise ball :sweat_smile: which SOMETIMES leaves hands free for a couple rounds! Knitting is my calm place, so I’m happy to be able to do it at least a bit.


Lucky woman! Congratulations on the new baby.

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Now, how does the chart work out and match up in row 10 where “3 from 5” are done? 3 stitches are made from 5, but when I do that throughout the row, I end up with 3 more stitches at the end, not 5 with which to do the last “3 from 5”…not sure if I am overthinking this or if my stitch count is off.

The decreases are balanced by the yarn overs so the row should work. Check the you haven’t skipped a yarn over. You can also check that the 3 from 5 line up with the previous rows.

Ok, thanks. Maybe I messed up a previous round? Can you tell what the stitch count should be–still 72 before and after the 3 from 5 round? I do seem to end up with 72, just not the right spacing of the 3 from 5 because I end up with 3 extra stitches.

Oh, never mind. I’ve ended up with 71 stitches at the end.

The stitch count should stay the same. Decreases and yarn overs balancing out.

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