Bind off one stitch at neck edge every following alternating row means every other row.

I’m doing a jacket in garter stitch.
It’s worked in three pieces left and right fronts and the back.
For shaping the Left front
It says to Bind off one stitch at neck edge every following alternating row.
I’ve already bound off stitches for the armhole and these are being worked at one end while the other is the neck edge where these instructions are for.
So do I knit one row ending at armhole….knit the next row ending at collar… knit another row ending at armhole and THEN decrease 1 stitch when doing the next row which is at the collar?
Hope I didn’t confuse you because I sure am!
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

What is the name of your pattern and designer?
One stitch bound off at the neck edge would mean binding of on rows 1,3,5,7,9 and so on.
If you’ve bound off at the armhole then knit one row ending at the collar, turn and bind off one stitch (call this row 1).

This is the pattern.

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Lovely use of garter stitch. Does the bind off at the neck make sense?

Thanks for clarifying and clearing my thinking!


Yes. Definitely!

I’m getting to the end of this jacket however there is one area that has me confused.
I just finished working Row 8 - Sl 1, K75, turn.
The next states reads as follows:
Work a further 18 rows, working 2 sts less before turning on every row (as before).
This next is what throws me off:
Row 27 - Sl , K37, turn, knit across all sts to end.
I’m trying to calculate how they go from 75 sts on Row 8 and if I’m slipping 2 sts for 18 rows which should equal 36 sts…. 75 minus 36 sts which i figure should equal 39 sts and then one more for the beg of Row 27 which would bring it down to 38 STS! How do they get 37 sts for Row 27?

It’s just that you forgot the first slipped stitch in your calculation.
Slip 1, k75 = 76 sts used
Work 2 less each row for 18 times = -36
76 - 36 = 40 (the last of the 18 times you use 40)
Next row slip 1, k 37 = 38 (so this row is also working 2 less than the previous row an uses 38)

So long as you work 2 less each row the shaping hold work out even.

Hope this helps.

I’m confused. After looking at the information how do I go from beginning with 98 sts….slip 1 on the first row for the collar and Slip 1 more st on row 2 for the collar and wind up with 94 sts?
Wouldn’t Row One after being worked have 1 slipped st and 97 left to work with?

All the sts are still there but as with the earlier example (post #8), you’re working short rows here beginning on row 3. On every row, slip the first stitch so on rows 1 & 2 you work across all the sts. On row 3 slip stitch 1, work across the following 94sts leaving 3sts unworked on the left needle. Turn.
On each following row 4-7you’ll work fewer sts before the turn.