Bind off collar

I am wondering what would be the best bind off for the Sofi cowl sweater I am knitting. I have only used the in pattern bind off (which on a pair of socks was too tight).

I like to do the ordinary bind off, but with a larger needle. Works well for me.

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You might like this one.
Russian Bind-Off in Pattern

Is that 1x1 rib? When I use JSSBO for 1x1 rib I typically do a yo before each purl but not the knits. You could try it as demonstrated and see how you like it. This is the one with the modification that I use for sock tops.
Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off 1x1 Rib

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I’d go with binding off in pattern on a larger needle. I’d do a swatch in rib first and try several different needle sizes to bind off to see which I like the stretch and look of (life line a few rows below the bind off, then bind off, test it out, undo down to the life line, rework a few rows, bind off with different size needle, and repeat). Sounds like hassle but it’s worth it to finish a beautiful sweater off well.
I’ve had that pattern on my long list of saved patterns for ages, it’s beautiful.

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It is a 1x1 ribbing. I will try different bind offs. Thanks.

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I used the bind off in pattern, went from a size to size 11 needle. I am happy with results. I think I still need to wash and it probably will relax. Very warm.


Lovely. Yes, washing and laying flat to dry if that’s the yarn recommendation does wonders for relaxing the stitchwork and making everything nice.

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You did amazing!

Thank you!

Fabulous result. What a lovely sweater. The neck looks great.

You did a great job on your jumper. It looks nice and warm. Love the cable work.

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