Big, snuggly, triangle hug.... I mean shawl

Made this for a friend getting ready to have brain surgery. Her condition makes it hard for her body to stay warm so I hope this’ll help. Making a moebius cowl to match and will update as soon as it’s done.

Whew, been very busy knitting lately. Making myself one of these with alpaca and a moebius cowl to match it as well.

Ookay, forgot to attach my pic and it won’t let me edit the message to add one. Says I don’t have permission to access the page. Let’s see if this will work.

That’s really pretty, and a very thoughtful gift. She’s lucky to have you for a friend!

Very pretty! I like the color!

Such a beautiful gift.

Very nice work! A work of LOVE!

Just lovely and I know she will love it!

Very pretty!!

Very beautiful and thoughtful gift. Lovely work.

Bravo! What a lovely, thoughtful gift for your friend! There’s nothing like a handmade gift to let someone know you’re thinking about them!

Gorgeous…and looks really comfy. Is this a pattern you can share? I like the way it looks and it’s a really good length. My sister wants one she can keep handy in the car for those places where they think the air conditioner has to be on high all summer. I’ve been looking for just the right one… :knitting:

You were right the first time… it is a hug!
Love it… I’m sure your friend will feel all warm and snuggly in it especially when she remembers that someone who thinks a lot of her and loves her made it for her.
I’d love to make this one as well.

Yup, that’s a great hug. Very thoughtful, very beautiful. I hope all goes well for your friend. You can both wear your hugs when you visit her in the hospital. May you both be blessed.

Lovely and I know she will appreciate it so very much!