Best Gift Ever!

Has anyone heard the song “I Loved Her First” by Heartland? It is a father singing to his daughter on her wedding day and it came out the week of my wedding last year so I didn’t get to use it for the father/daughter dance. My father heard it at my cousins wedding a couple months ago and was able to buy a small book with the CD included at Barnes & Noble and the pages are father/daughter stories and the words to the song written out over several pages. My parents went through all their photo albums and put pictures of me growing up with my parents (and brother) all through the book from the second I was born and my father is holding me to my wedding where they both gave me away.
I am so not a crier, but boy that got me last night when he gave it to me.

What a beautiful gift!:hug:

How sweet! I just listened to it on Amazon and it’s beautiful! :hug:

You lucky, lucky woman. He’s not just a Father…he’s a Daddy! :hug: to both of you.

Very sweet!! We have a box for each of our kids that they will get to open when they are 18…I keep telling dh he needs to get this and put that in there for Roo…

that’s so sweet!!!

Oh, wow, what a wonderful gift!! I love that song.

what a wonderful gift!

What a fantastic book of memories and an incredible gift.

You are so lucky to have such wonderful and thoughtful parents.

Just waiting for the song to buffer, but think I’m going to cry. That’s an incredible gift - something to be handed down forever - I think I probably would have been crying hysterically :wink: Just before he died when I was 12, my dad said to me that the thing he regretted most about dying was that he wouldn’t be able to walk me down the aisle. I’m getting married in 2009, and I’m sure he’ll be with me. Give your parents lots of hugs from me :slight_smile:

Edit : Yep, can’t stop crying :wink:

The first time I heard that song I was driving home and almost got in an accident I was crying so hard.
How sweet of your Dad! I would absolutely treasure a gift like that!

Awwwww!!! You made me get teary! What a wonderful gift!:cheering:

What a wonderful, thoughtful gift! I bet you’ll treasure it forever. :hug:

this sounds like a song i absolutely do NOT need to hear. For some reason though it reminds me of a story a friend of mine told me once. He told me he was taking his 3 year old to Paris with him on a business/leisure trip. It was just going to be him and her, his wife wasn’t going on this trip. (they travel internationally quite regularly so it wasn’t terribly surprising that he was making the trip…just that he was taking Sophia with him.) When I asked why he was doing this he said he had read an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow’s dad where he said that he had done the same trip with her (though she was older.) The reason why was because he wanted to be sure that the first time she ever saw Paris it would be with a man who she knew would love her forever… and that was why he was taking Sophia. sniffle