Gosh, this might be my favorite thread ever! Thanks for your wonderful words about this site, everyone!
I’m so glad you all like it here. I’m sure glad to have you here! You make this forum what it is. It’s good to hear you confirming what my instincts have told me, about keeping the forum categories to a minimum! There may come a time when I need to add a couple more, just to add a little breathing room in this busy main forum. But I’ll hold out as long as I can, because I sure like having us cozy in a main forum.
My favorite sites for visiting are KnittersReview and Knitty.
My favorite people in the professional knitting world are Meg Swansen (EZ’s daughter, love her!) and Clara Parkes (of knittersreview). Very nice people.
I’m seriously considering attending Meg’s knitting camp this summer. Maybe I’ll see some of you there! (In lieu of meeting at my house! te-he) You can find info about it on her site. Go to www.schoolhousepress.com , and click on “CAMP.” It happens over 4 different weekends in July. I’m not sure which weekend I’ll do yet. I don’t even know how much it is, but I met Meg over the phone, and she was just SO great, that I know her camp will be fabulous.
TKGA has a good forum. Never did explore much else on the site. I’m intrigued by their master certification program, or whatever it’s called. Has anyone ever done it? Is it just guidelines, or do they somehow offer training?
Stitchguide is an impressive site, very ambitious! I’m glad she didn’t decide to go into great detail with her knitting videos, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered making this site! (Phew!)