Beld is Being Naughty Again

I Have No Control Over This Post

I can’t stop my fingers from providing this link. It’s too juicy. A word of caution, especially to those who are remembering me from other posts: don’t drink and read my posts :twisted:

Slinky Linky

I am envisioning zebra stripes…RAWR!!!

:lol: Zebra stripes :lol: Almost got some wine on the keyboard with that one. (should have read the warning)

I was teasing dh last week when I found that. The only thing that keeps me from making good on my threat of making it is the elastic. Couldn’t they have made a nice stretchy rib or something?

Okay, it’s been a while since I’ve seen my husband, but was it just me who got all hot and bothered looking at the picture?

Large[Extra Large, Fetch the Smelling Salts]


I think this is a great idea! Let’s do weenie warmer in front, slinky linky in back! :twisted:

No Wine here but the water in my mouth didnt go down with ease when i viewed the picture. :lol:

I dare anyone to make the weenie cover for their husbands then post a picture of him wearing it… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Okay, i am out of line but i couldnt help myself.

LOL! I think we’d have to post them in the knitalong or the chat group I just created…don’t know if Amy would go for modeled weenie warmers!

I don’t think Amy would agree to it either. Just a naughty thought i had.

Heck we can’t be nice all the time. What fun is that!

If our husbands model the WW, does he have to wear it on his weenie?
What if he wears it over top his clothes? (stuffed for ahem realisim, of course)

ROTFL Hildegard… either way will be okay with me…

Yes, let’s keep it clean, ladies! I’m still recovering from the “SEX enjoyment” post. :shock: I forgot that stood for “Stash Enrichment eXpedition,” and I nearly needed those smelling salts! :roll:


ha ha ha

just before bed and I see this… now I will have sweet dreams.

tooo funny, my husband is just the kind of guy who would model this


yeah, in the right mood…

:slight_smile: Vic

Uh, my oh my…and I’m seeing this at work. Hope no one notices my flushed cheeks!!! Way to go beld