Beaded mittens #129

Hello friends, I am workin on mittens in “ double moss” “ beaded cable mittens # 129 and I am having trouble following.
I am going to attach the pattern so you can review it. My issue is pattern has 7 rounds. At the end of 7th round it says “ work 3 more rounds” then it jumps to round “11” so which rounds are to be 8, 9, 10 . And which moss pattern to work
On those rounds???


Round 7 says to work Round 7 of your cable pattern so to maintain pattern you would then work 8, 9, 10. The moss stitch should be the same as for the cable round specified, and in the following rounds. If not, just maintain the moss stitch pattern.

Nice pattern. Are you adding beads?

“Work 3 more rounds keeping the centre 8 sts of the hand back in beaded cable pattern, the surrounding stitches in double moss stitch, and the stitches of the palm in stockinette.”

The cable pattern has 7 rounds for its vertical repeat and this is repeated for as long as you need, to maintain the cable, so
Round 7 is round 7 of cable pattern
Round 8 is round 1 of cable pattern
Round 9 is round 2 of cable patter
Round 10 is round 3 of cable pattern
Round 11 is where the pattern picks up again in the instruction, but you still need to know which cable round to work to maintain the stitch pattern, this is round 4 of the cable pattern.

For the double moss stitch section you will need to read the fabric to see what comes next, or to work out which of the 4 rounds of double moss stitch pattern are needed for each of these rounds. The moss stitch has a 4 round repeat, you can see these in the pattern instructions for the first 7 rounds and after this you have to continue the pattern yourself
Round 1 is double moss Round 1
Round 2 is double moss Round 2
3 is 3
4 is 4
Round 5 is double moss Round 1 (the vertical pattern is repeated)
Round 6 is double moss Round 2
Round 7 is double moss Round 3
Round 8 is double moss Round 4
Round 9 is double moss Round 1
Round 10 is double moss Round 2

Round 11 is picked up in the instruction, it is double moss Round 3

You might want to write out the rounds or make a list or chart to tick off as you work the different patterns.
It’s common for a pattern to set you off and then expect you to continue on your own for a while to maintain the stitch pattern given.

Hope this helps


Hello my knitting friend!! Thank you so much for taking the time to review the pattern and get ne out if my misery, I really appreciate it😃.
So I will do that.
So there are 12 rounds for the mitten and 7 rounds of the beaded cable pattern. So when I finish the 12 rounds, then I guess I go back to round 1 of the cuff section again, am I right?
Thank you, you are the best!!!

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I’m not sure what happens after round 11 where the shaping for the thumb gusset is made.
If you aren’t sure you can type the I structure for round 12 and what it says to do after that.

I think deleting the pattern page photos could be helpful as we shouldn’t share patterns due to copyright. There is a little pencil icon you can click on to edit your post and delete this photos.

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Thank you again for your help😃 I would delete the pattern photos I sent but don’t know how. I am not very computer savy.

After round 11, there another round which I label it “ round 12” I am sending the picture of the remaining instructions. Right now I am working on “ right mitten only”

You have to keep track of the cable pattern throughout this mitten so that you do each and every round of the cable pattern before starting again with the cable pattern.
Mitten Round 11 I wrote as cable round 4
Which means
Mitten round 12 will be cable round 5
You will need to know, and track, each cable round throughout the project.
If you look ahead to the next part “both mittens” you are asked to, “continue pattern as established” which means always maintaining the stitches and correct rounds which have previously been given.
The “work in pattern” instruction means knowing which round of cable you are on, and which round of moss stitch you are on if the moss stitch continues in this part of the mitten.

There are a number of ways to keep track.
You can write out each and every round on paper like a chart and tick them off as you complete them.
You can use 3 row counters, counting the mitten round at the end of every round, counting the cable round until it hits round 7 then starting again at 1, counting the moss stitch until round 4 then starting again at round 1.
You can track each as gate marks on paper, again restarting at round 1 when you reach round 7 of the cable, round 4 of the moss.
You could place a post it sticker or paper clip pointing to the cable round you are on, remembering to move it along at the end of each round.
Or you can read the fabric and know from that which round you need to work to maintain the correct stitch pattern (this I say is the hardest for cable, easier for moss stitch).

You will notice the “both mittens” part asks you to continue until there are 12 stitches at the thumb gusset. This means you do not have a written instruction for each round and need to work it out. As you are increasing in the first and last stitches every other round you could write these down on your chart too.
There is another “continue in pattern” until 12 beads have been placed, and after this you need to work until you reach desired length or to round 7 of the cable, then another round, then the “begin decreases” which also requires you to know which round of the cable pattern you are on - so to get it right you need to track the pattern rounds all the way through the pattern.

It is quite normal for a knitting pattern to ask you to track stitch patterns this way, otherwise the pattern would be dozens of pages long. We each have different methods of tracking the patterns. For instance a recent sweater I made had 2 cable charts which I used post it stickers on to mark the rows I was on. The cables had a different number of repeated rows in them so the post it stickers were seldom on the same row, one tracking one set of instructions, the other tracking the other, and I used 3 plastic rotating row counters too, my main row counter for the full sweater length plus one for cable 1 and one for cable 2. I also needed to track decreases and shaping for the armholes and neck to get these on the right rows.

It might all seem like a lot of hassle just now, but as you get into the swing of repeating the 7 cable rounds and 4 moss stitch rounds it will become more comfortable and make more sense.
You’ll be a pro at tracking patterns by the time these mitts are finished!

Wow! My friend!! You are the best!! I will save your instructions because you really made this pattern very clear now, and now I can proceed.
Thank you so so much​:heart::+1:

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Glad to be able to help.
I hope it goes smoothly for you, enjoy it!

Thank you again!!!:smiley::smiley:

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