Back of Neck help

Hi everyone. I am new here and needing some help. I am working on a hooded poncho for my granddaughter and am confused on how to knit this next part.


I have worked both shoulders separately, now I need to cast on and proceed with instructions. Easy peasy right? Not for me…what is the best cast on method? Which shoulder side do I cast on to? I have already knit the first 21 stitches. And how do I connect yarn to make a single row again? Make sense? Any videos you know of would be most helpful. Thank you so much in advance.


Your knitting looks lovely.

I can see a yarn tail on each needle in your photo so the first thing is just to check that the 21 you have already worked are the correct ones. These should be with the right side of the work facing you and end up on the right needle with working yarn attached.

You use the same working yarn and add the new cast on stitches to the needle with these 21 stitches already worked, there will be no gap, just a continuation of the work done. After adding the new stitches your working yarn will be at the end of these, in exactly the right place for you to work the next stitch on the left needle so that you can work the other 21 stitches.

To cast on in the middle I would use the knitted cast on, there are lots of video tutorials if you don’t like the one I link.
Most of the videos will show how to knit cast on at the beginning of a project starting with a slip knot, just ignore the slip knot part. You will work into the stitches you already have on the needle. It’s just like a knit stitch but instead of slipping the old stitch off the left needle you leave it there and slip the new stitch from the right needle to the left, one stitch created. Work into the new stitch to cast on another.

One more thing. In your work you have right side facing. To cast on you need to turn the work (as though you got to the end of a row) so that you have wrong is facing and the 21 you have worked are on the left needle. Then cast on the number you need. Then turn again. Right side facing work your other 21.

I will add. I have not made a hooded top myself and I’m a little confused as to what is happening at this point where there seems to be a gap across the back neck. However I tend to just go along with what a pattern says and usually it all makes sense in the end.
Does this part get sewn up in the finishing?

I hope this helps you understand this part. Please do say if its not clear.


This blog post might help a bit to see how it will look.

(Cable cast on and knitted cast on are very similar techniques. Both good for adding stitches in this way.)

Can you tell us the name and designer/publisher of your pattern?


Just to add to Creations explanation, here’s a video for casting on in the middle of a row which is essentially what you are doing. Once you’ve cast on, you’ll continue with the sts for the other shoulder. Then you’ll have the neck opening and be able to knit down the back of the poncho.

Very pretty stitch pattern worked so beautifully!

Thank you thank you thank you. It made total sense with your explanation. I have not done a hooded poncho either. So I may be back with more questions!! Lol. You are awesome.

Thank you for the info. The pattern is from Yarnspirations. It is called Hooded Girls Knit Poncho. I’m using the Caron sprinkles cake yarn. :slight_smile: :grinning:

Lovely! I’ll just include a link here in case anyone else is looking for the same info in future.

I am sure your granddaughter will be very cosy in her poncho!

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Ah, and now I know what the gap is. :blush:

Looking forward to seeing the finished project.

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Thank you for adding the link. I should have done that. I hope she wears it. She is 2 and VERY independent. Lol. I will take a picture with her wearing it. I hope.

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