Hi new to this website and hope someone can help. Im knitting a lace baby shawl. It is a triangular pattern and I decided to knit 2 and join to make a square. Any suggeston best way to join both sections? Thanks Kate
baby shawl
Have you already knitted the two sections? The reason I am asking is that you may be able to adapt the pattern to knit a square fairly easily.
Could you tell us the name and designer/publisher of the pattern?
Depending on what stitches make up the edges that you want to sew together, you may be able to use mattress stitch.
If the edges to be joined are in garter, maybe this one:
Or maybe a simple overcast stitch would work:
Hello i have knitted the first one and am nearly finished the second. this is the pattern. Ravelry: Cat among the Seabirds pattern by Chris Evans
Lovely design!
I can’t quite see – is it a garter stitch selvedge where you will be sewing them together? It usually is on this type of shawl.
There are lots of tutorials for seaming garter, so try a couple and see what works. I’ve listed some options above, but you might find another method that you prefer. You want to make sure the seam ends up somewhat stretchy, not tight. (That rules out backstitch.)