Baby Hat, Mitten, Bootie set

This isn’t my first FO…actually, FS…Finished Set :woohoo:

They are for my very first niece!! :slight_smile:

But it’s not exactly finished. I still have to knit one more bootie. I’m started on another of the green ones. I wanted to go ahead and post a picture since I’m giving the set to my sister tomorrow after I finish bootie #2.

They’re made with Peaches&Creme 100% Cotton. The hat pattern is from, the green bootie is from The mittens are a pattern of my own devising, made to match the hat. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the link for the white bootie. I’ll have to keep looking for it and update when I find it.

They didn’t end up quite as soft as I wanted, but they are big enough that she can grow into them and besides, I just LOVED the green!!

Now, for the baby…She’s the most adorable thing ever, and her shower is tomorrow. She was born 6 weeks premature and is doing amazingly. We hope she’ll be released really soon.

How adorable. These are beautifully knit and will look wonderful on your new neice. Glad to here she’ll be home soon!

How sweet and beautiful!

How precious! I’m so glad your niece is doing well!

This is a very charming set! Good work!!!

Congratulations on completing your first set for your first niece! The collection is lovely, and maybe with a few washings, the cotton will become a little softer. I know the dishcloths I’ve made from this tend to get softer with use and washing.

What a lovely set! I love the deep green and white combination. Note to self – make something with those colours :slight_smile:

So sweet!

Thank you all for your replies! My sister loved the set, but my aunt(who crochets) outshone me at the shower with a beautiful sea green bonnet and booties. They were kind of a seashell pattern…But she’s been doing it much longer than me so it’s all good =)

I actually got the yarns for learning to crochet, but then I saw the hat and decided I just HAD to make something with the green, and the white matched nicely.

They are both about $1.77 at your local Wal-mart if anyone was wondering where to pick it up.