Baby Coat

I am making the Lino Coat. I love knitting baby clothes lately, I don’t even have anyone in mind to give them to! Anyway, as I look at the pattern, I am a little confused…
When I cast on the 52, is that a whole new piece? I realize that eventually I have to knit them together I just find this whole thing confusing- perhaps it is because I am not there yet, and I am having difficulty visualizing what I am supposed to do

Baby sweaters and other items are so much fun to knit. Lot’s of the techniques you need for other projects but in a small package. Besides, babies look good in everything.

The 52sts cast on will be the right front of the sweater. It corresponds to the 52sts of the left front that you first put on hold while your worked on the back portion of the jacket.

The arrow on the sleeve shows the direction of knitting.

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Thank you for drawing this out for me. I did need to see it to understand :slight_smile:

All my increases are on one side, and the other side is completely flat- shouldn’t the sleeve look like a triangle? Have I done something wrong? Also, I have frogged once already and there is absolutely no way that you can add 1 stitch every 8 rows and only have 19 cm- you have to increase 8 stitches. If I have been doing this wrong and frog again, I will start with 30 and then increase 6 stitches. This is making my brain hurt!

You’re right. The sleeve should look like more of a triangle. The pattern should have that little word, “each” in the directions for the sleeve increases. It should say “…increasing one stitch on each side…”
When you get to the second sleeve you will also be decreasing one stitch on each side although the pattern doesn’t clearly state this. (The pattern isn’t any more explicit in French either.)

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A frogging I will go! With this cleared up, I can definitely make 19 cm- less yarn and less rows!

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You’ve solved multiple problems! Enjoy working this adorable jacket.

Just to be clear then, on each 8th row, I will knit two, increase, then knit the rest of the row, and two before the end I will increase again- so increase twice on the same row- is that correct?

Yes, that will work. Increase 2sts on each 8th row. The pattern places the increases 2sts in from the ends.

Thanks for the help, it is coming along nicely. BUT, the next portion says to knit for 8 cm, then continue knitting on the right for 10 cm, so does that mean for 10 cm more, or just until I get to 10 cm?

That’s 10cm more. This is going to be the center portion of the back. The two fronts will be knit for an extra 10-11cm as well with an overlap for the buttons and buttonholes.
Good progress!

I have just knit the button hole band to the other piece I had on hold but it is shorter by 1-2 cm- is it supposed to be the same? I am a little worried- at this point I can take it out and knit it to be equal- I just don’t know what to do here.

Have you knit both buttonhole bands? This pattern has two to make a double breasted jacket.
When you say the piece is supposed to be the same, what do you mean? Is this the 11cm on the fronts?

yes I have knit both so it is double breasted. So I knit for 11 cm on the button band, and I think maybe I knitted a little more on the piece that was on hold. So right now, my pieces don’t match for length.

So I am at the part of joining together, but as you can see there is quite a discrepancy between the two pieces and I just wanted to know if I flubbed or if it is supposed to be like that?

The 2 front pieces should be the same, 11cm each from the split of front and back.
You knit 8cm on the entire piece, front and back after the sleeve. Then knit 11cm on the front and bind off. When you knit the other front, it should measure 11cm before you join to the back. Once the back is joined, knit another 8cm.
The front with buttonholes should be knit for 11cm. It won’t be as long as the total button side because it hasn’t had the extra 8cm added (this is the 8cm knit across both front and back).

Thanks! I realized that I wasn’t looking at it correctly- I laid it out and I could see the pieces become a sweater- so while I was confused, I can see it clearly now and I did do it right! Thanks for helping me see it.

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YIKES! I think I joined the pieces wrong or backwards! The join is where the purple yarn is at the bottom- what is going on here? I am a little frustrated because I thought I was making nice progress but it is obvious that something isn’t quite right.

Sure enough, I did it backwards! It’s okay, I have learned a lot, but I found a video tutorial on how to do it! (which is awesome, I just stumbled across it as I was looking at Pinterest!) Anyway, now that I know, I can fix it! Here is the tutorial in case you are interested.

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Yes, good find. I think a simple diagram in the pattern would have made this so much easier to understand. This is the way I see it.

Thank you for the link to the video. Hope all goes smoothly from now on. Anything puzzling, just come back and ask. We’d love to see a photo when you finish!