Baby blankets

I am very excited to report that after years of trying, I found out today that I am finally pregnant! :woot: :woot: :woohoo: :happydance:

I really want to make a pretty baby blanket, but I don’t know which one to make, and what is practical with little fingers and toes. I’m not a super talented knitter, but I’m not too bad.

Any recommendations?

Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! :muah:

I’ll come back with a pattern. You must be sooooooooo excited.
Hope you have a wonderful and happy 9mths

You can try:

Congratulations xxx

Congratulations, hope you will feel brilliant throughout your pregnancy.

I have a book called more blankets and throws by Debbie Abrahams which I like a lot. you knit little squares and then sew them together. There are all different designs using colour or stitch patterns. I am making a blanket for my daughter. I use the recommended Rowan Handknit cotton because my daughter has sensitive skin but you could use what ever you like. as long as you use the same type of yarn and needle size they should work out to be the same size.

I don’t know how the health service work in Australia, but should you get a chance have a 4D scan, they are amazing. I had one when I was 27 weeks, found out I was having a daughter (my son burst into tears, he so wanted a brother), my daughter was ecstatic ( she wanted a sister). I now have a DVD with half an hour footage of my youngest when she was still inside me, the most amazing thing ever.

Congratulations! You give me hope. We’ve been trying for a while ourselves.

Before asking for extraneous ultrasounds, please, please, please read the information on the risks of ultrasounds. You can find some great information on that here.

As for baby blankets, I don’t know there’s really any “risk” with them… I still have my baby blankets from when I was little, and they ran the gamut from quilted to crocheted with lots of large holes. I have every intention of using them with my children when the time comes.

There are great patterns at knittinpatterncentral, or you can just do a seed stitch, garter stitch ,stockinette stitch, basketweave, whatever you like with or without a border, in a solid or stripes. Blankets don’t require a pattern unless you want to get intricate. Best of luck! :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone :slight_smile:

I decided on this one:

It’s nice and easy, but looks like a million bucks with the nice variegated yarn I bought. I’ve done a fair bit already.

I can’t wait to show my son/daughter something I started making the day I found out I was pregnant!

Just wanted to give ya a congrats!

Congratulations…babies are such a nice way to start people.

As for the U/S…there’s no real information saying they’re harmful, and there’s no real information saying they’re safe. Use your best judgement and weigh it in with your doctor’s suggestions as well.

Good luck on the blanket. I don’t have the patience to knit blankets or afghans…I get bored too easily :stuck_out_tongue: It’s baby booties and baby socks for me, until I develop some stick-to-it-ive-ness.

just wish to add my congratulations:grphug:

Congrats on your pregnancy!! I made blankets for both of my kiddos - and they still love them - and they are 3.5 and 5 now!!

congratulations, hope it all goes well, :woohoo:

I just wanted to congradulate you! How exciting! Being pregnant was the happiest time in my life! I hope you feel okay and have a happy, healthy baby. :thumbsup: