Just starting a new project and while reading thru pattern I already have a question.
The link is: http://www.knittingonthenet.com/patterns/babyafmoonstars.htm
Once I’ll knit the 3 rows of Seed Stitch for the top border, the pattern states:
Working the first and last 4 sts in Seed Stitch and continuing to slip the first st of every row, begin with Row 1 of chart repeating chart 3 times across, etc.
The Seed Stitch Pattern is:
R1: *K1, P1: rep from *
R2: sl 1, *K1, P1: rep from *, end K1
R3: sl 1, *P1 K1; rep from *, end P1
I realize I’ll be knitting the side borders while completing the pattern but I’m not sure what it means by "working the first and last 4 sts in Seed Stitch and continuing to slip the first st of every row. I just assumed I’d be continuing the Seed St pattern row by row as I knit each of the side borders, no??? In other words, wouldn’t I simply start R1 of Seed St border pattern again on each side, followed by R2, etc. ??
Thanks again for all the help,
Lee Lee