Baby bib

I am making this bib- it super cute! BUT, instead of making a loop for the button, I thought I would just make a one row button hole. I think that I would have to make one side a little longer then so once the button is done up, it won’t be so tight- but I don’t know where on the pattern I would make it longer or make the button hole- any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

Nevermind, I figured out how once it started taking shape :slight_smile:

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That is a cute bib and I like the idea of the buttonhole rather than a loop closure.
You can extend the side under the directions to Shape neck. After the directions to knit 16 rows even, the bib is worked around the back of the neck with increases at the neck edge and decreases at the outer edge. This would be a good place to extend the length and you could do it on both sides.