Auburn University baby sweater

:happydance: :woot: :happydance: :woot: :happydance: :woot: :happydance: :woot: :happydance: :woot: :happydance:
I finished my striped baby hoodie…finally! It’s for my cousin and his wife’s first baby. They are HUGE Auburn University football fans, so I made the sweater in Auburn colors. I’m very proud of it :aww:
Here’s the pic, and I stopped by Old Navy to get some baby jeans to go with it!

Wow - you really did a great job. The baby will look so cute in it!

You win the award for my FAVORITE FO!


What a darling sweater! I’m sure your cousin is going to love it! Tell him a fellow knitter said, “WAR EAGLE!!!”

very cute – that’s a great idea for a color scheme!!!

Oh wow! That’ll make the other fans turn green with envy! Nice work!

:woohoo: it looks great!!

Looks great . Love the colours :slight_smile:

Hmmm…I’m going to have to work up one with my Wisconsin Badger colors now…thinking…thinking… :slight_smile:

Great job!

Very cute!

This is just adorable! Hoodies are so cute on tiny babies!

Oh how cute! And what a good friend youare to make it in thier favorite colors :cheering:

Very nice and GREAT JOB!!!

Thanks, everyone!
I sent the package with the sweater and jeans off today, so hopefully they’ll be getting it soon! I do wish I could have found a softer yarn. I could only find the bright orange in 100% acrylic - Caron Perfect Match. But it’s ok.

That is so adorable! Way to go!

I love that! I bet they will be sure to take baby to a game!!! :muah: You did a great job!!


Great idea!!

My son & his wife are expecting, they are both USC (SOUTH CAROLINA) grads and fans. I’ll have to steal your idea (with USC colors of course).

What a sweet little hoodie!! They are gonna LOVE it-and it’s perfect with little jeans :thumbsup:

Very cute!

Even though I’m a University of Georgia fan/grad I have to give you two thumbs up on the adorable Auburn sweater. Great work!

Super cute. Those are nice school colors. He/she will look really cute in the jeans and hoodie.