Hi all,
Now, I know this has been asked before and I’ve had a look at some of those answers. But it just seems what my pattern asks for is different, and a little more complicated, and so I’m getting myself all in a fluster trying to work this out!
I am knitting a cardigan and have got to the shaping of the neck and arm, which must be worked at the same time. So, the pattern gives me instructions like:
K to last 4sts, K2tog, K2
K two rows
K2, skpo, K to end
K two rows
These 6 rows set neck shaping
Cont. to dec one st on next and every 3rd row until 20decs worked on neck edge. AT THE SAME TIME:
K two rows
BO 6sts, K to end
K one row
K2, skpo, Kto end,
K three rows
Rep last four rows eight times more
K2, skpo, work to end
K one row
Rep last two rows 12 more times [three sts]
Cast off
Now then, I understand both parts of the pattern of course. What I don’t get is how I’m supposed to work 2 such detailed instructions at the same time!!! I only have one end to work with. Do I need to attach another ball of yarn in (though I don’t know how I’d then work with the 2 ends to do it). OR do I need to sit and write out this pattern so that both parts are done together?
[U]For example[/U]:
Taking the first 3 rows of both parts
K to last 4sts, K2tog, K2
K two rows
K two rows
BO 6sts, K to end
Together it would be:
Row 1 = K to last 4sts, K2tog, K2
Row 2 = K
Row 3 = BO 6sts, K to end
Here I combined the first 3 rows of each part to make one pattern…
Is this what I need to do? If so, that’s a lot of sitting and writing out of a pattern (when they could have just written it altogether anyway…). If it means something else can people let me know? From the pictures of the cardigan, the front pieces do not look like they have been made with 2 ends, so it must be all done with one ball of yarn!
This is a long question and probably a bit confusing, but I really want to finish my first garment and this is stopping me from doing that! Please help!!