Armholes on a vest

What is the best formula for decreasing the armholes on a knitted vest.

Hmmm, I don’t have a formula because I usually do armscyes “by eye”. I cast off about 2.5cm (1 in.) of stitches to start, then decrease every row for three rows, then every other row until the shape looks about right, then continue until it is time to shape the back neck (2.5 cm or 1 in. dip) or the front neck (7.5cm or 3 in. dip for a crewneck).

This is for adult sizes.

I usually measure my work against a RTW garment that fits the recipient or matches their size.

This series of articles in Knitty gives a much more in-depth look at the topic:

I think there is a difference between sleeveless armscye shaping and for-sleeves armsyce shaping discussed in this series.

… sleeveless tops are often cut to expose a little more shoulder, and a little less armpit.

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Gee, thanks a lot. You helped me with just what I needed.