Armhole shaping

I am doing my first sweater. Instructions say: At beg of this and following rows, bind off 6 sts twice, 3 sts twice, dec 1 st at each side every row 2 times then every other row 7 times until 57 sts rem continue to work pat until back measures 32"

At beg of this and following rows, bind off 6 sts twice, 3 sts twice, dec 1 st at each side every row 2 times then every other row 7 times until 57 sts rem continue to work pat until back measures 32"

What is your question? You are shaping the armholes on each side on the back of a sweater in these instructions. It is telling you that from the point you are at to work the next rows as follows:

(the way I’ve outlined this is assuming the work is simple stockinette.)
The row you are ready to knit: Bind off 6 stitches at the beginning of the row, knit across.
2nd row: Bind off 6 at the beginning, then purl across.
3rd row: Bind off 3 sts at the beg, knit across.
4th row: Bind off 3 sts at the beg, purl across.
5th row: (I would) K1, SSK, knit across to last 3 sts; K2tog, K1.
6th row: P 1, P2tog, purl across to last 3 sts; P2tog tbl.
(Here it says to dec every other row 7 times but I think I would go ahead and dec on the very next row and then dec every other row, so that the decs could be done from the right side.)
So, next row (row 7): K1, SSK, knit across to last 3 sts; k2tog, K1.
Row 8: Purl
Repeat the last 2 rows 6 times, this will be until you have 57 sts left. Then work in stockinette with no changes (even) until the back is 32 inches long.

Thank you so much. This helps a lot. I am teaching myself to knit using books and DVDs and some instructions look Greek. Thanks.