Armhole differences

I am completing the front of this child’s jumper (dress). I just noticed that the back and front have different armhole measurements. I am doing the biggest size (6). You get to the same number of stitches but you work the back 5 3/4 inch and front 2 inches. I thought they’d be the same. Is this correct. I took a pic of directions. Hope that is not too much

I believe it’s correct. The neck shaping starts sooner on the front so the neck is higher in back. Does that make sense? I expect that when you’re done with the front neck shaping it will measure the same as the back at the armhole. HTH

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Oh I see what you’re saying. I was reading ahead to see how front was different from back to make sure I picked up on any changes but didn’t read far enough and not sure I would have picked up on that anyway, do to lack of experience. So thank you. I finished the back awhile back and went on to something else so it’s not fresh in my mind. I am getting to the armhole shaping now. I do think I will put in a lifeline before I get to the neck shaping as a safety measure.

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A lIfeline is a good idea. These things make sense after making them. One thing I really love about knitting is there’s always something new to learn. My first sweater was my first real knitting project and only got finished because of help I got here. I think experience means having made more mistakes and learning how to fix them. :wink:

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