Hi. I have been knitting since childhood but have a problem with this pattern.
Basically K1 P1 rib over 87 stitches for back of garment.
Transition row.
Rib 3 (M1,R1) 32 times.That brings me to stitch no 67 already (M1,R1) is 2 stitches yes? or No?
then (M1,R2) x 9 times (27 stitches) and (M1mR1) x 31times(62 stitches) M1 rib 3. 160 sts.
By my reckoning I have to work the (M1,R2) and 2nd (M1,R1) over the last 20 stitches.
this is the 3rd pattern in this book I have tried. I started the first, an 18 row cable pattern,probably 20 or so years ago but never had time to get very far so unravelled and started another. This was 1 stitch out on the transition row from ribbing and I was not prepared to try and work out how it affected the cable abd twist pattern so started this one, only to come a cropper. Can anyone help me please? I need a warm sweater.
Arithmetic doesnt work
I note that if I add the R3 +(32x2)+(9x3)+(31x2)+M1+R3 I get 3+64+27+62+1+3=160.
But how do I actually get there and is it sensible to have almost twice as many stitches over the pattern as over the ribbing?
Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern and the book or designer please?
You’re correct that this is quite a large increase although the change is stitch number depends on the difference between the rib and the main body of the pattern.
I don’t think I can fully solve your problem but a note about the numbers.
At this point you would be at stitch 35 rather than 67.
The M1 does not use up a stitch, it makes 1. So, yes you will have produced new stitches and your right needle of worked stitches would have 67, but your left needle would not have only 20 remaining which I think was what you were puzzled about.
There are 52 stitches remaining in the left needle.
18 stitches used. 9 new stitches made.
34 stitches remain on left needle.
31 stitches used. 31 new stitches made.
3 stitches remain on left needle.
Last 3 stitches used. 1 new stitch made.
Row complete. No stitches on left needle.
160 on right needle, as you said.
So just this bit was wrong you do have the correct humber of stitches to work the pattern as given.
As to whether this is too many stitches I have no clue.
I suppose it depends on the shape and style of the garment. Do you have a pattern name or a photo of what the garment looks like?
Hi, Its an old Patons pattern book from, I think the 1990s or maybe the 1980s, (time does fly)
Patons Aran fashion book no 269. I am doing textured jacket with cables pattern no 8.Size 91cm
Actually I have been playing on excel using squares as stitches and working backwards and think the pattern should be:
K1 P1 rib over 111 stitches for 10cm
Then Rib 3 3
M1,R1 x 22 times 66
M1,R2 x 6 times 24
M1,R1 x 21 times 63
M1 2
Rib 2 2
total 160
I am now going to find a podcast to listen to, unravel my knitting and start again with my revised numbers. I will check the fronts and sleeves before I start on them but I am shocked.
Especially as the 18 row pattern for the sloppy jacket (no 3) I originally started all those years ago was fine. I just kept losing my place even though I noted where I was every time I stopped. I worked shifts and sometimes it was days before I picked it up again.
thanks for getting back. I will let you know if my revision works. It might be useful for anyone else who tries this pattern.
Also give people confidence to know that it isnt always they who dont understand butmaybe the pattern writer has made a mistake.
I need to think about this. M1 R1 takes up 2 or the original stitches and I end with 3.on the right hand needle. 2 x 32 is 64 and the original 3 and that is 67. I actually ran out of stitches on the left needle. Plus I was bothered that the ribbing didn’t seem wide enough so when I ran out of stitches I checked the pattern book and it should have measured 61cm but is only just over 30 (I am decorating and cant find my tape measures, all 3 of them so am using a ruler).I have played at working back from the 160 stitches I need for the main pattern and think I need to start with 111 stitches and do fewer repeats of the increases. Anyway I will give it a go. As long as I can finish with 160 stitches I will be happy. Thanks for your help. This sort of thing is just what I am useless at sorting in my head.
Oh, wow, I figured that you would start with 87sts to work the rib, increase 73sts to 160. If you start with 111 then you only have to increase 49sts. Your revised plan above would work.
I’ve noticed that many vintage patterns have very small circumference at the ribbing.
Here’s a knitting calculator that you can use to distribute the sts. It might come in handy for some other future knit.
There are others out there too.
I use highlighter tape to keep my place. Sometimes life just interferes with knitting.
Yes, please do let us know how it works out. It’s very considerate of you to think of others with the same question. That situation often comes up here on the forum.
I don’t think this really matters now as I think you are working out how you’d like the pattern and altering it, which I’m very impressed by…
But the numbers worked in the original instruction by only ribbing 1 stitch for R1, not doing a k1, P1.
This style has a very narrow bottom edge, I did wonder if it would be something like this. I remember a lot of dresses and just,per dresses with tighter section around the hips and much looser from hips up.
Hope it works out the way you want.
MAny thanks for the calculator. I have downloaded and saved it. I am busy decorating today but will look at it this evening. many thanks