Are You Making a New Year's Resolution?

I had a problem with cussing in high school and the only thing that worked for me was asking my friends to punch me in the arm when I did it. It was surprisingling effective!:teehee:

Now, I try really hard not to use vulgar slang (it’s hard, because I spend so much time with teens!). I don’t really want my four year old dd to walk around saying things like “That sucks”, “CRAP” or “I’m really pissed off now” or even, “Sexy”, but she will if I do.

So what did I do? I asked her to remind me when I say those words. I still slip and use them in front of her, and when I do, she reminds me in her best grown up voice (it’s really very stern!) “Mommy, we don’t use that word.” I’m definitely using it a lot less!

I guess accountability is the best way to quit!

Let’s see…

Things that I hope to get done this year:

  1. get pregnant (so my dm and dmil will quit asking :wink: )
  2. seam things so that I will have less almost FO’s laying around
  3. knit things out of my comfort zone
  4. be more consistent at recycling
  5. be better at keeping in touch with family

Better go get started…:teehee:

Some peopel do a Wish list… I did a I.S.H. list. Its to help my self esteem, help me to become more goal oriented, help me let go of Daniel and move forward. Not move on, because I’m doing that. Life goes on, you just get dragged with it. I mean intentionally choosing to move forward. I’m starting to think I am ready for that. Anyway, onto my list.

[CENTER][B][U][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC][SIZE=2]The I.S.H. List[/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B][/CENTER]

[CENTER][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC][SIZE=2](In Search of Happiness)[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Accomplish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-Actively set goals and keep to them. Strive, meet, exceed. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Cherish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-Keep a special place in your heart for where and who you have been. Remember that chapters past are a part of your life, but you need to actively write the rest of your story.[/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Distinguish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-Divide life up into what is important and what is not. This is applicable in all areas including material possessions, thought processes, memories, etc.[/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Relinquish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-There are things that just can’t be changed. Let go. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Replenish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-For all the unhealthy, hurtful things you let go of, fill that void with something worthwhile. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Embellish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-Go beyond what you know. Museums. Places of learning. Expand your horizons. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]English[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-work on verbal and writing skills. Choose to speak English, not American. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Establish-[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]guidelines for how you want life to play out. This means goals, both short and long term as well as rules for living.[/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Finish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-Complete. Follow through. Culminate. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Nourish-[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Body and mind. Get healthy. Read. Grow. Think. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Reestablish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-Find the missing parts of your self and connect with them. [/FONT]

[B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Astonish[/FONT][/B][FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]-Review. Compare where you have been to where you are currently. Savor the moment. Look ahead and feel assured you will move forward. [/FONT]

I hate making resolutions. I never fulfuill, follow, or reach any of them. I fail by the end of January, and then I am always saying “I will try again next year” which gives me 11 months to make excuses. So I am going to try to live the following philosophy “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” That is in everything from my knittng to my marriage. I think i am just to wound, and it is leading to other things.

Anyway…is that too much about me?

I would love to quit smoking this year too. One thing that helped is that we don’t smoke in the house, we have to go out to the porch, so the temptation isn’t really there in front of you all the time, and it makes it uncomfortable to smoke, which sucks and makes me smoke less.
I would also love to drop about 15 pounds. Sounds like not a lot, but it’s the butt and belly pounds, which suck. First step on this is drink less soda. A lot less soda. Drink water. Drink juice. NOT SODA. I don’t need the calories or the sugar. I also want to try to eat SOMETHING for breakfast so that I’m not ravenous at lunchtime and eating everything. If I have yogurt or something then I don’t have to have a sandwich AND chips. I can just eat the sandwich. I don’t know if this will help me drop any pounds, but it sure seems like a healthier way to eat at any rate.
These are just things that I am always thinking about, just kinda have a kick in the booty being new year and all. But, I am not a person to really be hard on myself, so these are merely “suggestions”:roflhard: to me.

My mil gave me a book that a lady in her church wrote. It’s fabulous – stuff I already know but need to be reminded about.

It’s called [U]Forget the Die-Its – Learn to Live-it[/U].

The book goes over basic nutrition. She divides the book into 12 chapters…one for each month…and encourages readers to incorporate each lifestyle change highlighted in the chapters. The goal, of course, is that by the time the year is over, you will be living the healthy lifestyle changes instead of doing crash diets that fail after a short time.

I’m working on January, which is to drink more water. She says our goal should be to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I’m thinking…wow…that’s a lot of water! But, I’ve been chugging…about 3/4 of that amount…and peeing like crazy. But, I think drinking so much water helped me get over a cold very quickly last week. Water flushes your system of toxins and replaces what we think are hunger pangs with satisfaction of thirst.

Anyhow, I just wanted to encourage y’all. I’m trying to return to my old healthy eating habits and backslid (already) today. I was starving because I typically do not eat breakfast or lunch, and by 2:00pm, I was famished. I splurged and got a big meal at Chick-fil-A, along with a milk shake. I couldn’t even finish the sandwich or shake. I’m disappointed, but I know I’m already starting to turn a corner mentally since my heart did not seem to be into the meal once I purchased it. Regardless of whether you need to lose weight or not (I don’t, fortunately), healthy eating should be a priority.

Check out the book! It’s really very good. Easy to understand too…unlike some health books.

I agree, it’s not so much about the losing weight, but the mind-set of “I do not need to eat…”

I would like to gain weight this year. I am underweight and am starting to become worried. I want to look healthy and feel better about myself. Maybe I can try to boost my self esteem this year, but I doubt it’ll happen… Resolutions are hard for me to keep too.

And the “why’s” of not eating such-and-such. If you look at it from the point of view of how various foods affect your body…internally…then you really want to eat better.