What does it mean in this pattern. dec 1 st at each end of next and 17 foll 4th rows.
I have tried to understand it but I am lost. I have been knitting for years but i am stuck with this.
I hope someone can help.
Arabian knitting pattern by Lisa Richardson
maybe 17 decreases, each after 3 rows = the next row (4th row) decrease (as salmonmac notes in her comment below) … one on each side (2 decreases each decrease row…
Welcome to the forum!
Yes, as SusieQ wrote, 3 rows with no decrease then a decrease row. Remember to dec at each end however (2 decreases per decrease row).
nice!! … good thing I said maybe
Thank you so much all of you. Don’t know how I didn’t see this myself.
These always stump me as well!
Hello, I’m new here and needing help with this pattern too please. I’m stuck on the raglan instructions, they’re very unclear. I’m doing the second last size in the brackets.
Is it the same part of the instructions as the person who posted originally asked about, but you are working a different size?
If so, please type out the instructions for the decreases for the size you are making.
(The person who started the original thread didn’t mention which size they were working, unfortunately. I presume it’s not the same one you are doing.)
Or if it’s something else, please tell us more.