Anyone made earflat hat from k.s. magazine?

The fall edition of Knitting Simple has a tassled earflap hat. If anyone has made this hat and has the pattern/book, can you tell me how to work on Round 1, the joining of the knitted earflaps, cast ons, etc. When do I turn. Hope someone has made this! Thanks! :knitting:

I’m trying to track down a copy of that magazine so I can knit that hat - I love it! I’ve been looking for a hat like that forever and just found it today. My local yarn store is closed for inventory til after the new year but I’m hoping they still have a copy in stock. Have you worked out your issues with it yet?

I haven’t seen the pattern, but do you knit the earflaps first, then join them as you cast on for the hat? If yes, this video might help. :slight_smile: