Anyone have a spare knitting needle?

So I was knitting a scarf and when I put my knitting in the bag, one of the knitting needles fell on the floor, and I did not notice until I got home! :frowning:

This was my only set in this size!!! I can’t frog this scarf and I do NOT know what size it was -_-!!!


(If you have a knitting needle or a set you don’t use and more that works for size 5 yarn and the needle says size 2 but its MUCH thicker then 2!!! i think its about a size 13-ish but I do not have a sizer thing with me to tell you what it is…

WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Help me!


Sorry you lost your needle. Did you go back where you were to see if it was turned in? This is the reason I always get 2 sets of the same size. I know its bad but you never know when you can lose a needle. Sorry again.

If you have a needle near the same size, you can use one of each. The newer part may be a bit narrower/wider that the beginning, but it’s a scarf–it doesn’t have to fit.

Or you can start again with two different sized needles. If they are reasonably close in size it won’t pose a problem. If one needle was really small, then using a larger needle might be difficult when you’re knitting from the small needle.


They were not there :frowning:

(these where my mom’s needles so I onlt have one set and there old and stuff…)

Someone must of stepped on it and like snapped it :stuck_out_tongue:

I never thought of that!

I think the closest I have ATM is a size 11… that may just work :3


Do you have a needle gauge? If not you should. Then you can see what size the other needle is so you’ll know.

I do not have one
BUT, I will be going to the LYS soon to buy some wool so I will buy one then ^-^

Take the needle with you, size it there, and buy a new set of needles plus the needle size thingy.