Cast on -,1,1(-,-,1)(1,-)st using knitted on method
I’ve never come across the minus - symbol before!
Cast on -,1,1(-,-,1)(1,-)st using knitted on method
I’ve never come across the minus - symbol before!
Anytime there is a -, x or 0 for your size in a pattern, skip over that direction and go on to the next. If you’re making the first, 4th, 5th or last size, skip this direction.
thanks so much !!!
To me these look more like text emojis.
“Three couples sleeping”
First couple:
Partner in the left sleeps on their left side and snores while the partner on the right also sleeps on their left side with head between pillows and also snores.
Second couple
Partner on left is a back shore
Partner in right sleeps on their right side and snores under a pillow.
Third couple.
Left Partner sleeps on right side under pillow.
Right Partner sleeps on right side and snores.
Emoji reader badge achieved.
Oh gosh, I never even came close. No wonder I’m still working on that darn Cookie badge.
Only seeing this now , thanks for the smile