Hi. I’m new to this site. I’ve been knitting for 3 1/2 years now, and would really love to find some knitters in my area with the same passion. All the knitters I know are novice/not all that into it. So if you are in or around good ol’ PDX, I’d love to hear from ya!!
Anybody out there from Portland, OR?
I live in Vancouver. I am new knitter but addicted.
I live in the West suburbs.
I shop at The Knitting Bee when I make it into Hillsboro
Antonia, Thanks for replying. How long have you been knitting?? Are there any good yarn stores in Vancouver?
Momto, Thanks for replying. I’ve never been to the Knitting Bee. I shop at the Yarn Garden on Hawthorne when I have money.
You have a custom designed hats album? Published or personal?? I design a lot of my knitting, and have been wondering how I could publish my patterns. Any ideas?
I’m in Portland, OR… I’m new to knitting, too! I just finished a baby blanket for my friend’s newborn in Los Angeles (I moved up here last summer). I’m excited to start new knitting projects!
I love shopping at Craft Warehouse! I even travel to the one in Vancouver for their Yarn Yoga in-store event. They are so friendly and so helpful… unlike the people I’ve found at the Gresham store.
Sarahdot, What new projects are you looking at??
What is the Yarn Yoga in-store event? I’ve never heard of it. I’ve never been to Craft Warehouse. I mainly shop at Fabric Depot b/c their prices are great. But when I have a little extra to splurge I like Yarn Garden b/c they have more exotic yarns.
[FONT=“Arial Narrow”][COLOR=“Magenta”]Hello! nice to find you all from my part of the world. I use to live in the Mt.Tabor hood,but moved to Vanc.about 7yrs.ago. I recently started knitting again after a long time. I missed it,and am so glad to have found this website. Yesterday I began my project,and knitting bag/felting method,a new experience for me.
As far as a fabulous knitting store in ‘the cov’…try ‘Unraveled Yarns’, super people/owner/and yarn heaven. Laters…[/COLOR][/FONT]
I’m moving up to Portland on the 22nd. I’m going to PSU. Does anyone know of a good knitting shops close to PSU? I don’t have a car, so I can’t go to far. =\
Anyway, I’m a new knitter. I heard there was a Knitting group at PSU. I’ll try to check it out.
I’m currently in San Francisco, which is a good outlet for creative folks, but I am so very amped to moving to Portland in June 2008. I’ve done a lot of research online as far as finding LYS and such, but I do have a few questions.
Are there any stores that have an extensive (larger) selection of natural/sustainable yarns (bamboo, organic cotton, organic wool, alpaca … etc)?
Are there any local knitting meet-ups (i.e. Stitch n’ Bitch)? I’ve never been to one but I’d love to start doing so once I move.
Can’t wait to meet you all! :woohoo:
Hi, I’m in Eugene…and I’ve been knitting for years, nice to meet you!
I am not from Portland but I am from Lebanon/Sweethome area
( OR ). I run a charity so if you want to join you can give to some of the awesome Local hospital you have there! Emanuels and Doernbechers are awesome and need little knitted hats!!
HEHEHHE Glad to see another Oregonian on here!
I forgot to add this, this might interest all of you Oregon knitters
They talk about Oregon meet ups and yarn shops and more!!!
I’m the knitting goddess for our local snB at PSU. We meet every Wednesday from 12pmish till 2pm ish. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Ya know how knitters are when they get to talking. Anyway, I’ve been the volunteer for snb at PSU for a few years now and I can fill you in on all the lys, other local snb groups and knitting tips in gneral. We don’t start up again till the first week of winter term January 7th so maybe I’ll see you then?