Hi! I hate to pay $40 to $50 per panel like you find in most places (Bed Bath & Beyond etc.) It’s so hard to find really pretty heavy curtains unless you want to pay a few hundred dollars.
Plus, since heating is going to be outrageously expensive this winter, I want to make my own heavy duty thick thick curtains. Any suggestions for fabrics, or anything? It shouldn’t be too hard shoud it? I made some real real simple ones once.
Anybody make their own curtains? heavy winter curtains!
You could look at fashionfabricsclub.com and look at their drapery material. Some people use liner fabric, also. Curtain rod type shouldn’t be too hard, just have a big area to cut material. The pinch pleat kind would be a little more difficult, I would think.
thanks Puddin’, (love your name). I’ll look at that site. I could never make the pleated kind! I just hope I can figure out how to line them coz that’s what I need for the cold.
hi - I don’t have any tips really but I have been interested in making my own heavy curtains as well. It doesn’t get so cold here, but it does get super hot and it lasts through October at times. I want heavy dark curtains to keep out the bulk of the sun. So please post your tips as you go ;^)
I just bought some blackout curtain liners at Walmart for $29 a pair. I have mine behind my existing curtains so I just got a basic white. The package said they would help with energy efficiency. They are quite heavy and I can see how they will help with drafts this winter and they really helped keep the room cooler this summer.
I tried to find the brand but I took the tags off.
I found similar fabric online here if you want to make you own . I highly recommend it!
Actually the pinch pleat kind is easy. You buy a tape that has little pockets at intervals, sew it to the top of your fabric, and stick special hooks into each pocket. Presto – pinch pleats.
Linings are not so easy, in my experience. You have to cut and sew them very precisely to match the curtain fabric or the whole thing hangs funny.
If you want lots of insulation, make two separate layers of curtains – something lightweight next to the window and a heavy drapery on top of that.
Since you’re in Manhattan, take the train to Zarin’s on the Lower East Side. They have thousands of tapestry and velvet upholstery fabrics at deep discounts. Great for heavy curtains. The salespeople are super-nice about giving advice to do-it-yourselfers.
I make drapes and curtains all the time. It’s one of my most favorite things to do. But I only have a household sewing machine, so very heavy fabrics (anything heavier than denim, I would imagine) would be out of the question. If they are lined, the rod pocket can potentially be 6 layers thick! That’s too hard on a little machine. Tapestry/denim lined with cotton would be about the most I would attempt on my little machine. Still, you could make a very pretty drape with just that. But I don’t think your point was [I][B]pretty[/B][/I]…more like [I][B]practical[/B][/I]…am I right?
Oh wow, those are great tips! Yeah, I have tried to get behind sewing my own lining into fabric before but just got totally intimidated (too much work!) I had a feeling they might not ‘hang straight’ ha, what with my sewing. I think buying the black out curtains and hanging them separately is a great idea. And Knitasha! I can’t wait to go visit that place. I think I might have gone there many years ago… it’s a big place upstairs? That will be fun, I’m going to go look again. I want something different and color-beautiful so I think I’ll make my own but buy the black outs (will checkout Walmart today!) I’m in the Catskills also, and it’s already cold at night, fireplace is going…
My recommendation is to buy them and spend the rest of your time knitting!!!
I bought some cheap curtains for the kids and decided to put my own liner on the back of them since they let in too much sun. What a big frickin’ hassle. I did all of my work after the kids went to bed, so I don’t have them as an excuse for making things difficult.
In my little world, some things aren’t worth cheaping out on like toilet paper, ketchup and yarn. Curtains are now on that list. I also realize that I’m not a big project kind of person and trying to keep two long pieces of fabrics straight enough to pin together was a nightmare.
Again, I would suggest that you buy some nice looking curtains worth the money and then enjoy spending all of your free time knitting.
How about fleece? I noticed some for $3 a yard at the site recommended above. I would think that would keep out the cold.
I’ve made my own curtains - ANY curtain helps with keeping drafts down, but in the winter, you also want the sun to shine in! Layers in light colors might work (such as a sheer with something heavier on top). You can also put plastic over your windows - it really does work, and if you hang it straight, you can’t tell. (You can only see it if it has wrinkles in it.)
Have you checked Overstock.com to see if they have anything you like?
Hey hey… yeah, pinning them together right there stops me in my tracks. But SEWING them together too??? Yuk. I didn’t mention, it’s kind of funny, but one reason I want some big thick curtains on the window is coz we are out in the country and surrounded by nothing and it’s dark at night… and when I’m sitting on the couch reading I always feel like someone is looking in over my shoulder! ha So, this year I’m putting thick heavy curtains there to eliminate that feeling. Plus the cold issue. I’m on my way to Zarin’s this week. If I do make them, I will buy the liner separately, fleece is a good idea also! I wouldn’t want to put plastic up coz our view is incredible during the day… thanks again for the tips… will keep you posted.
this Hint is not about curtains, but an easy way to insulate your windows and save heat in winter. I suggest you buy some Bubble Wrap,( I’ve been told it is sold by the roll at 'U-Haul" or moving companies) and clear packing tape. This is going to triple the insulating value of your window and still let the light through. Adding heavy curtains over this would still be a good idea. But if you have trouble with SAD, like I do,you need to open the curtains to get all the sunlight you can. At Staples I saw some pink bubble wrap and thought "How nice it would be to wake up with the sun shining through the pale pink plastic. Sort of like rose coloured glasses.