Grrrrr… grrrrr… grrrrr…
I have so many blessings in my life, that I have to stop and breathe and remember that other people would love to have “problems” like these, but still!
On my last day in Seoul, my digital camera decided to stop taking pictures. It displays old pictures, but won’t take new ones. My DH had his camera, and I didn’t really need to take pictures of anything in those last days before I flew off, but I’m so mad that it won’t be working for the holidays now, because even if tomorrow I call and they say they can fix it, it still needs time to get there, be fixed and come back. Blargh. Back to film for awhile for me.
And now, the portable DVD player I bought for the trip won’t play anymore. It doesn’t work without the battery normally, even if plugged in, but now it has the charge light and the full light blinking at me and struggles to load DVDs, then Ppfffft! nothing. Guess I shouldn’t have let my son use it when he woke my jetlagged butt up at 3am…
I think I’m not allowed to touch anything electronic for the next little bit. I accidentally hit a button on my DHs camera and the screen wouldn’t show up, but I figured out what I pressed and fixed it. Whew! But the same fix didn’t work on my camera, even though they are made by the same company, different models.
Now stop and play the glad game. I am not sick, neither is my son, even though we were on multiple germy airplanes. I had the financial werewithal to purchase these items to begin with. I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, clean water to drink and bathrooms to clean. My family will be with me for the holidays (or does that go on my list of woes? ) and I just got to see my DH unlike many other spouses in our unit who won’t see them till they re-deploy. How can I be so ungrateful?
I even managed to get real Xmas tree, neither artificial nor living, cut down shorter than me so I could actually manage to carry it by myself (two year old not interested in helping mommy carry trees).
So stop whining, and get yourself to bed or you’ll never get back from Korean time.
Thanks for letting me rant!