Another Picture

Thank you for all your kind comments about my scarf. I have to admit, I haven’t had an opportunity to give it to my friend as I haven’t seen for a while - that’s because we haven’t been to the archery club for a couple of months - but she has seen it in the making and was very excited about it. The yarn was left over from a ski jacket someone made for her which she wasn’t very happy with. She gave me the whole bundle to do with as I wished, so I gave the jacket to charity and knit the scarf. There are still a few balls left which I might knit into a hat.

I was going to upload a picture of one of the many phone covers I have knitted, but there seem to be problems again with doing that. I’ll try again later.


Ok, the attaching thing seems to be working now. This phone cover, as with all my phone covers and similar projects, was done in the round on 2 straight needles.


Oh, very cute! That worked out well and in good colors, too.

Looks great!

That’s a great looking phone cover. I bet those are a quick knit and fun to do.

Very very nice!!! Practical, and useful, too!