Another pattern reading question

I am knitting a vest with a cable down the front, here are the instructions:


Co 64 stitches
Work evenin 2 x 2 ribbing for 2 inches, ending with RS facing.
Next row: K23, work row 1 of Cable Patt, K23
Next row: P23, work Row 2 of Cable Patt, P 23
Work even, maintaining continuity of established pattern until 13 inches from beg.

Cable Pattern:

Rows 1, 3, 7: Pw, K6, P2, K6, P2
Row 2 and all WS rows: K2, P6, K2, P6, K2
Row 5: P2, C6B, P2, C6F, P2.
Row 9: Repeat row 5
Row 11,13,15: Repeat row 1
Row 16: K2, P6, K2, P6, K2.

Repeat rows 5-16 to work the cable pattern.

So…I am not sure of this, Do I always k23, or P23 At the beginning and ending of each row? Do I not knit rows 1-4 after the first cable pattern?
In row 5, for example do I K23, P2, C6B, P2, C6F, P2, K 23?

When I finish row 16, I start again with row 5 rather than row 1?

Have I confused everyone enough?


Oh wait a minute I think I get the repeat rows 5-16 part now, because every WS row is the K2, P6, K2, P6, K2, right? And every RS row is a repeat of Row1? BUt…do I do the K23 or P 23 at the beginning and ending of each row??

Sounds like you already answered most of your questions. You would continue with the k23/p23 on either side of the cable, keepint it in stockinette stitch.

May I ask where you got the pattern? I ask becuase I’m wanting to make a sleeveless pullover vest with a center cable and I’m on the hunt for patterns.

her is the link to the pattern

thanks! I already have that in my pile of ‘possibles.’ I have a few yarns I need to swatch before I can decide.

Hope your cables are progressing w/out problems–