It appears there are a lot of us who start knitting and get stumped by the pattern. I’m following a Debbie Bliss pattern for a Cabled Cape which reads:
Beg with a k row, work 4 rows in st st
Next row P to end
Inc row k4, [p2, m1, p2, m1, k4] to end
Now work in patt as follows:
1st row (rs) p4, [k8, p4] to end
2nd row k4, [p8, k4] to end
3rd and 4th rows As 1st and 2nd rows
5th row p4, [c8B, p4] to end
6th row As 2nd row
7th and 8th rows As 1st and 2nd rows
9th to 20th rows Rep 1st to 8th rows once, then 1st to 4th rows again
21st row (dec) p1, p2tog, p1, [C8B, p1, p2tog, p1] to end
22 row k3, [p8, k3] to end
23rd to 36th rows Cont as set, working cables as before, but with 3 sts in reverse st st between cables.
Apologies for length, my question is…
What does that last instruction mean? I’ve tried and tried to work it out but have no idea :shrug:
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!