Anne Carol Creations Woolly Wotnots?

just happened upon a few of these adorable patterns online and was wondering if anybody had some background info? I collect Alan Dart patterns and know where to get them but if anybody had some swaps or ideas as to how to start a wooly wotnots collection please let me know. How many are there?


Have you checked out e-bay and Amazon?

Good luck!

I’ve never heard of them, sorry! Do you have a link to the information or pattern so others can see it easier?

I’ve never used this particular site to purchase anything, but there appear to be several patterns by this designer for sale here. Maybe it would at least give you a place to start your search.

I also found a website called, although I’m not sure if it’s related to what you’re looking for … I didn’t see “Anne Carol Creations” mentioned anywhere (although I didn’t search extensively).

Hope this helps! :knitting:

I have 25 of these patterns. They start at No. 21 Grandma and end at No. 45 The Chef. I’ve always wondered if patterns 1 to 20 ever existed but have only seen the 25 i’ve got. I picked up my first ones at a craft fair and have got the rest through eBay.